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Friday the 13th is NOT Bad Luck Day.


Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Friday the 13th is absolutely NOT Bad Luck Day. In fact, it is celebrated amongst strong women as a Divine Feminine Day. 13 is a number associated with a lot of bad luck when tracing it back through Christianity and the Last Supper. But it is also the number of Lunar cycles in a year which corresponds to a women’s menstrual cycle. Anything revolving around the moon implies a connection with the Divine Feminine….. and well, throw in the mention of blood, the endless cycle of creation, birth, death and rebirth - that will get any man’s boxers in a bunch about a women’s magic and natural powers.

The actual word that means “ Fear of Friday the 13th” is friggatriskaidekaphobia. Yup. Seriously. There is a word for it. It is also strongly believed that this day is dedicated to the Goddess Frigg… also known as Freya - whose name means “Lady”. She is the Norse Goddess of the moon and love She is a seer.. and is known to manipulate fate. She embodies the ideas of phases and cycles and what we can learn from them , hence her strong connection to the moon. She has a raven as a totem animal signifying her ability to travel between heaven and earth.

Ways to CELEBRATE Friday the 13th!!

  • Embrace women and their femininity. Some would say, Piss of the Patriarchy but personally I kinda feel like the celebration shouldn’t be a secondary result as hurting someone else… I say put the celebration first… honor yourself. Wear some fun lipstick or makeup if it makes you feel beautiful, engage in things that make you laugh, say no to things that your rule as a women is seen as “expected” to embrace your power of assertion and self love.

  • Indulge in yourself. Freya is a STRONG supporter of you feeling love and pleasure. Take a ritual bath in her honor, add salts and essential oils to make it luxurious. Splurge on yourself today… a nice scent, a decadent meal, a walk in the sunlight…. soak it all in.

  • Dabble in Divination. Freyer was a practitioner of magic called “seidr”. Today is a perfect day to have your Tarot or Oracle cards read or work with a pendulum for some divine guidance.

  • Bond with Family/Community. To honor the Norse matriarch and goddess of fertility ( and war as it is known ) spend some intentional time strengthening bonds with those you call “family”. Freya is most known for her presence in romantic partnerships or mother/child relationships, but celebrates any bond both blood and chosen that serves you.

  • Wear Gold or Red for the Goddess. Fill your space with these colors in clothing or things… yellow flowers, sunshine, gold jewelry, red roses and amber crystals are a few of the Goddess’s favorite things. Wear or display them proudly.

Whatever you decide to do, do it with intention for celebration and don’t get sucked into the misguided belief everyone has about bad luck. Use the power of their negative energy to swing the pendulum in the extreme opposite and revel in its goodness.

In Your Divine Seva,


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