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Morning after Valentine’s Day


Yesterday was such a big day for Love. Everyone was gushing on social media. Red hearts, candy, chocolate and roses everywhere. The stress of having something for your significant other on the big day. Fancy romantic dinners, cute new outfits. Am I saying its bad? Absolutely not. But the expectation is so high that I wonder how much do we love each other and ourselves all the other days of the year? Do we put in this much effort on say like, August 7th? Lol.

Yesterday was a nice day for me. I had coffee with a dear friend at home ( after trying two breakfast places that were closed. Lol) Then lunch with my husband at Pancheros (new place in town kinda like Chipotle) since he works from home. I did laundry, organized business receipts for upcoming tax returns. Sounds sexy huh? Lol. It was a very normal day at home. Then my husband took my middle daughter, her boyfriend, my youngest daughter and I out for BBQ. (My oldest and her bf are in college and were missed😢). Our way to enjoy our family is always a meal together. ❤️

The thing that stuck with me the most yesterday was when my girls asked me what my husband got me for Valentines Day. I didnt wake up to chocolates, a card, gifts of any kind. My husband kisses me every morning and says "Good Morning!" I don't have to wait for holidays. Its a daily routine to start our day. So I wasnt disappointed in any way, I am loved everyday.

For example: This past weekend he did the groceries and came home with a bunch of red roses and a bunch of red/white carnations for me to mix together. He said " Here honey- I was thinking of you at the store. I thought you'd like these. ❤️". They have been on the kitchen table in a vase all week. This is my husband. Random acts of kindness. It didn't have to be a holiday. And that's what I told my girls. We definitely loved going out together for dinner- and the holiday was a great excuse to all get together- but do we as humans show oursleves this kindness more than just holidays? I hope so.

The absolutely best part of my day is when I came downstairs and went to kiss my husband good morning at his desk, he looked up at me and said "Don't you look beautiful today. You are the bright spot in my life." Mic drop. He will say these things now and again and he's had a tough week at work so to hear that from him was just so sweet. He is my bright spot as well. It's been 33 years since we met, 23 years married this June- we've been through some stuff. Lol. It hasn't all been easy but we have gotten to the place where the effort we put in over the years is showing up strong and we continue to do the work.

Here is what I am proposing: love yourself, friends, family, neighbors, etc EVERYDAY like it's Valentine's Day! Leave yourself a kind note. Tell people what they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them in your life. Do the little things more often to live in constant joy of what love means to you.

Love is such a POWERFUL energy. 10x more than hate. Hate is just easier. It takes effort to love. But the good things in life always come with some amount of effort and energy. Show YOURSELF love and kindness. Others will take notice and do the same. To you and themselves. What you put out there you will receive abundantly.

If you are struggling with this whole concept of love, self love, Valentine's Day, etc..... start today by just looking in the mirror and saying to yourself "I love you." and smile. You deserve to be loved like everyone else. ❤️❤️❤️

In your Divine Seva,


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Stacy Marquis
Stacy Marquis
Feb 21, 2023

Love the message !

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