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Blessings. They don't come easy.


Today I was scrolling through social media like I always do in the morning. Sometimes there is a "reel" or "video" that catches my attention for some odd reason. ( At this point in my life and knowing how my gifts work, I should just say the truth: Spirit is going to show me a "reel or video" that I will need later. ) This morning it was a man testifying about Jesus. I am not typically a super "religious" person but Jesus is one of my Angel Guides and so I do enjoy the teachings and stories about his journey. Anyway, the man was talking about how Jesus said to others, " pick up your cross and come with me. " Basically that you will get a beating before you get your blessing. That one made me stop for a few minutes and really let it marinate.

If I think back to some of the greatest blessings in my life, they did not come without some bumps and bruises. And 99% of the time the "beating" was worse than it needed to be because I was holding on so tight to an idea, circumstance, relationship, situation, whatever it may be, that it was like I was in a wrestling match with it getting my ass kicked. And when I sent up the white flag and surrendered - the blessings came.

One of the strongest one I can think of - well three - was childbirth. I fought my body so hard, like I was going to outsmart the entire "giving birth" thing into a beautiful, neat, painless, pretty scenario. Hell no. It hurt, it was messy and I cried. But when I surrendered into the situation and let my body do what it needed to do with my grace, my blessings came through instantly... my gorgeous babies.

Recently, my cruise blog about how I was dropped on my ass for 24 hours... I fought that situation for hours... I was going to trick my body to be well so I could enjoy my vacation. Um, not how that worked. My beating came, I surrendered to staying in bed all day and my blessings came... absolute clarity and inspiration.

So today, when I saw this I was like " Someone in my tribe needs to hear this. " so I posted it on Divine Seva Facebook page. And more than a few folks liked it, even a few commented. But without getting into details for privacy reasons, it was actually meant for a very specific client of mine which I would find out rather quickly and the look on both our faces as the signs just kept coming after I told her " I think YOU were the one meant to hear this."

Whatever journey you are on.... PUSH THROUGH. The only way out is through... you won't outsmart it. You can't go around it. You MUST push through it. Which means you are going to get your ass kicked most likely. That's why having a support system is so important. They will help get you through the beating and cheer the loudest for you when you receive your blessing. Coaches, healers, therapists, spouses, parents, children, bffs, whoever is going to get you through... and not the ones who will sugar coat it for you. The ones that are willing to get in the arena and do the work along side of you. The ones who get it because they have been there at one time or another. They have scars.. experiences.... grit. As Brene Brown says, " If you aren't in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback." End of story. I have never heard such truer words.

The signs are there that the blessing is just ahead. Stop and take a deep breath, when the hits just seem to keep coming, and look around. Start reciting the things in your life you are GRATEFUL for, no matter how small. It will be the most difficult thing you may have to do.. (Didn't Jesus pray for the very soldiers that nailed him to the cross and tortured him?) Release the fear, guilt, pain and agony..... bring in the abundance and gratitude.. in the heat of the ass kicking... but after??? after all that??? You will have your blessing. Your biggest thing to be grateful for to date. NO great story/achievement/BLESSING, comes without some struggle or adversity..... truly. The big stuff takes some blood, sweat and tears. Always.

The picture I posted in this blog today is of elephants, specifically Ganesha. Look up the elephant and its spiritual meaning. Strength, courage, power, remover of obstacles, foundation, family, ability to learn from the past, solid memory. Remember, what got you here, will not get you there.... but here is halfway there... and the past got you here. So rewrite your story from what you have learned from your past. Live Forward. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

In Your Divine Seva,


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Heather Machado
Heather Machado
Mar 02, 2023

Love reading your posts. They always hit home with me. Please keep publishing!! ❤

Mar 02, 2023
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I will do my best. Sending love to you my friend. 🙏❤️✨

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