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Dr. Carli Axford's
Spinal Flow Technique

Spinal Flow Technique is a fast, effective way to heal from pain, dis-ease and illness.  Using access points on the sacrum and cranium, your body is able to release 3 types of stress blockages:  physical, emotional and chemical.  It is gentle and creates change in the body using its own innate intelligence to heal.

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Begin your healing today.

All Spinal Flow clients will go through an initial assessment,  then a unique treatment plan is created based on those findings and your wellness goals.  Spinal Flow is not a "come in once to "try" it " type of service.  It is a partnership between you and I to achieve your wellness goals of healing and living healthy and pain free.  Your commitment level will help dictate how quickly your results happen.  My skills as a yoga teacher, life coach, reiki master and more will support you with resources to work on your goals in other areas of your life where Spinal Flow will bloom in ways you couldn't even imagine.   

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